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Sound Therapy &  Empowerment Coaching That Changes Your Life By Changing Your Energy

Have you experienced success in life but still feel like something is off?

Do you often feel like there’s more to life than what you’re currently experiencing?


Hi, my name is Bryan Osuna. Earlier in my life, despite being a highly successful athlete and professional, I was struggling with feeling overwhelmed, alone, and like something was missing from my life.


I knew how to work hard and get sh*t done, but I still struggled with feeling disconnected, out of place, and broken. 

Today, I feel profoundly healthy, happy, whole and fulfilled. During my transformation journey, I acquired many powerful tools and practices that I now use to help others change.

How can this work help you?

People have reported:

  • Less Stress

  • More Energy

  • Clarity & Direction

  • Better Relationships

  • Elevated Mood & Mindset 

  • Healing From Nagging Health Issues

I use tools that clear dissonant energy so that you can you live in a more clear and coherent way


Your thoughts, feelings and behaviors are energetic wave patterns. If these wave patterns are dissonant, your life experience is dissonant. I use 

coherent vibrations paired with coherent intentions to create life coherence. 


What My Clients Say

"I was feeling very stuck and in a place of frustration. Bryan cleared blockages I was unaware of, and the amount of opportunities and momentum I gained afterwards was mind boggling"

- Liam

What I Offer

I use therapeutic sound, vibration and energy work along with proven coaching modalities. In a session, I help you identify what you truly want and need, and then implement the best tools to help you move in that direction with ease and clarity. Some of the sound & vibration tools I use are tuning forks, Tibetan Singing Bowls and gongs. As a coach, I use modalities that help facilitate a mental, emotional and somatic shift towards coherence.- Atma Buti Sound &

Transformational Sound Therapy

Empowerment Coaching

Restorative Sound Baths

Holistic Health & Fitness Coaching

- Biofield Tuning

- Himalayan & Tibetan Singing Bowls 

- Sound Therapy

- Holistic Lifestyle Coaching 

- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Coaching

Modalities & Techniques I'm Trained In

I help you clear the unwanted codes that are running your life, and upgrade you with better codes

Imagine a giant board covered in codes and equations. These are the codes that are running your life. They determine how you think, feel, behave and experience life. Most of them are no longer serving you. They are keeping you stuck, and keeping you from living your best life. This work can help you erase and upgrade those codes.


Hi, I'm Bryan Osuna, and I am not your average sound healer.  In addition to being a sound therapist, coach & facilitator, I am also a devoted father, husband, athlete, personal trainer, inventor and adventurer. I believe my experience and dynamic skillset allows me to bring unique energy, presence and focus to my work.

My calling with this work is to help people bridge the gap between where they are now and the place where their soul is pointing them to. This is a place of wholeness, authenticity and harmony. I do this by synergistically combining timeless wisdom, modern understanding and intuition to provide transformational tools, resources and experiences. I use everything from sound to psychology and breath to movement for the purpose of making meaningful change in peoples lives. Ultimately, I strive to be of highest service to the world by simply living my own life fully, authentically and from the heart.


“We have control over energy, frequency, and vibration... we can alter our personal energy and frequency. This, in turn, will alter the things we attain and retain and the truths we attract into our lives.”

- Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

Contact Me

Thanks for reaching out!

7716 Torrey Ct

Arvada, CO 80007


Tel: 720-446-8166

© Soulmatics LLC, 2024 

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